Hi Scott,
An ATX power supply is not a good idea. The +5V GND and +12V GND (as well as Earth GND) are all tied together which would defeat all the benefits of the opto isolation. It also can create GND loops. Its better to get two small isolated supplies. 10watt supplies usually cost $15 or less and are smaller than an ATX supply.
Regards TK
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 11332 |
From: cnc_machines |
Date: 4/9/2015 |
Subject: Re: KStep 24V Input / Outputs |
Thanks, I will do as you suggest. This brings up another question about proper grounding. I see that all of the boards (Kstep, and Kflop, & Kconnect) have a hole through them labled ground. Do all of these need to be tied back to the frame ground?
Also I am confused about where to ground the encoder cable shields. I am using the Kstep in closed loop with shielded encoder cables. Do these go back to the frame ground as well?
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 11347 |
From: Tom Kerekes |
Date: 4/10/2015 |
Subject: Re: KStep 24V Input / Outputs |
Hi Scott,
No. The ground lugs on our boards are connected to DC GND. Connecting those to frame (earth) GND would normally be a bad idea. All the earth ground noise would be introduced into DC GND. It would also provide a path for earth GND currents to pass through the boards GNDs. This is called a GND Loop.
Connecting encoder shields to Frame GND would similarly be bad. It would tend to couple all the Earth GND Noise direcly into the encoder signals. The best approach is usually to connect the shields to the more quiet DC GND of the device that the signals are going into. If the signals are going into KFLOP then the Gnd Lug on KFLOP would be a good choice or any of the GNDs on any of the connectors.
HTH Regards TK
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 11348 |
From: cnc_machines |
Date: 4/10/2015 |
Subject: Re: KStep 24V Input / Outputs |
Thanks Tom! This is pretty basic stuff, but I appreciate your advice.
If I understand correctly the AC side of the power supply would be connected to the earth ground. The DC ground would just be the negative terminal on the power supply?
I see that many servo motors and VFD's suggest using a line filter. I have always been curious about why these are used. Are they actually required? Would my spindle VFD possibly cause interference with the KFlop controller?
Group: DynoMotion |
Message: 11352 |
From: Tom Kerekes |
Date: 4/10/2015 |
Subject: Re: KStep 24V Input / Outputs |
Hi Scott,
Don't know exactly what you mean by "AC side of the power supply would be connected to the earth ground".
I think AC Line filters block Hi frequency noise from entering into your electonics through the AC lines (or going out). I suppose it depends on how noisy your AC lines are and how sensitive your electronics are. I think they are always a good idea.
Regards TK
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